

10-20 15:08:10 | 浏览次数: 99618 次 | 栏目:初三英语试卷
标签:初中英语试卷,http://www.manfen6.com 初中毕业班英语中考试卷下载|九年级英语中考试卷,

英    语
3、1—20 小题、26—65小题的答案填涂在答题卡指定位置上;21—25小题、66—86 小题的答案填写在答卷指定位置上。

一、1—5 BCAAC  6—10BACAA  11—15 BCABC  16—20 BCBAC
      21  afternoon  22 reading room  23 quiet
24 take (good ) care of  25 put back
二、26-30 BADCC   31-35 BADBD   36-40 CCDCB    41-45BADCB
四、56—60 ADCAC    61—65 BADDC   66—70 EFGBA
五、71singing  72 show  73 famous  74 thought  75 shout  76thanked  77 fans
78 meant  79 because   80 sorry/ frustrated/embarrassed
六、81 To have one morning a week to have spoken English lesson./Have one morning a week to have spoken English lesson.      
82 To have more fashionable school uniforms./Having more fashionable school uniforms.    83 To take a nap./Take a nap.  
84 Do their homework      85 15(years old)
     86 Dear students,
    Some students have written to me about our school life or rules. Now I’m writing to tell you what I think about your ideas. To Zhang Hongying, I’d like to say I agree with you. But I’ll ask some teachers to make a questionnaire first. If more than 70% students have the same ideas as yours, I’ll make the lunch time longer.
   But I’m sorry that it’s impossible for us to leave one morning every week to practice speaking English. We have time for all your subjects. You should make good study plans to improve yourself.
   And I can’t agree to have more fashionable school uniforms. Since wearing uniforms is a rule in our school, the uniforms had better be simple.
I hope everyone have a better life at school and do better in all your lessons.
                                               Mr. Lee
1) 21—25 正确写出单词或短语每小题得2分,21,23拼写错误不给分,22,24,25每处错误扣1分,每小题最高扣2分。
2) 71—80 正确写出单词每小题得2分,拼写错误不给分,71,74,75,76,77,78写原形得1分。
3) 81—85 正确写出答案每小题得2分,大小写错误扣0.5分, 句首形式错误扣0.5分。
4) 1档:18—20分: 对三个学生意见的回答观点清晰,语句通顺,内容流畅,不超过5处错误。
   2档:15—17分: 对三个学生意见的回答观点清晰,语句通顺,内容流畅,不超过
3档:11—14分: 对三个学生意见的回答观点基本清晰,语句通顺,有错误。
   4档: 6—10分:  基本说明同意或不同意,内容不完整,表达有错误。
   5档: 0—5分:   能写出零碎句子,表达一定内容,与主题有关。

一、 听句子
1 My father is a teacher. He teaches English at a middle school. My mother is a doctor for animals.
2 I usually go to school by bike. But I went to school by car last Monday because I got up late.
3 They are our favorite animals. They live in China. They are lovely, they like eating bamboo.
4 They were lucky to have a sunny day for a picnic yesterday. It’s raining today. We have to stay at home.
5 The boy likes dancing, but he will play basketball instead of dancing this afternoon.
W: I’m sorry, I forgot my homework.
M: It doesn’t matter. Do you know the work, Kate?
W: Yes, I do. Lily told me. I will bring it here tomorrow.
M: How much is the orange juice?
W: It’s one and a half dollars a cup.
M: What about the coffee?
W: It’s two and a half dollars for each cup.
M: Excuse me, is it Beihai Hotel?
W: Yes, it is. How can I help you?
M: I want to book a double room for tomorrow evening? Can you tell me how much it costs?
W: Wait a minute. Err…it’s 483 yuan for a night.
W: This is good medicine for your cough. Drink more water and take a good rest. You will get well soon.
M: Thanks a lot.
W: Excuse me, could you show me the way to theatre?
M: Sure. Go along the road and turn left at the second crossing. Then you’ll find it.
W: May Day is coming. What are you going to do over it, Tom?
M: I’ll visit the Great Wall with my parents. What about your holiday, Kate?
W: I have to stay at home. You know, my math is not good.
M: Don’t worry. I will help you after the holiday.
W: Thank you. Have a good journey.
W: Good morning, doctor.
M: Good morning, Mrs. Brown. Well, what’s wrong with this young man?
W: He’s my son, Jim. He’s got a cough.
M: Have you taken his temperature, Mrs. Brown?
W: Yes, his temperature seems to be OK.
M: How long has he been like this?
W: Ever since last night.
M: Has he had anything to eat this morning?
W: Yes. For breakfast he had a little milk and an egg.
M: Well, Mrs. Brown, I think he’s caught a cold. He’d better stay at home and have a good rest. Tell him to take the medicine and he’ll be well soon.
W: Thank you.
三 听短文。
My friend Bob Jones had a car accident on Highway 40 yesterday. Fortunately, a passing police officer saw him lying on the side of the road and called 120 at once. He was taken to the nearest hospital. He is fine now even though he broke his leg and had bruises all over. His doctor hopes to let him go in two or three days. Bob told me that he wasn’t driving too fast. He thought the accident was caused by the bad weather and the road is too crowded.
四 听写信息。
Good afternoon, everyone. I’d like to say something before you read in the reading room. It’s very important, I think. First, you must keep quiet when you read, and don’t make any noise. Second, you must take good care of these books and magazines, or you have to pay for them. And the last one, you must put them back when you finish reading. OK. Now you can start. Magazines are on these shelves and new books are on those ones.