

10-20 15:08:08 | 浏览次数: 75718 次 | 栏目:初三英语试卷
标签:初中英语试卷,http://www.manfen6.com 九年级英语总复习试卷|九年级模拟中考试卷,


命题人:倪  娜

(满分120分    时间120分钟)
第一部分  选择题
1.A. Shakespeare B. Vincent Gogh C. Gu Kaizhi
2. A. A doctor B. A scientist C. A singer
3. A. She thinks it is beautiful.               B. She doesn’t think it is beautiful.
  C. She doesn’t like the landscape.
4. A. No, she won’t. B. Yes, she will. C. We don’t know.
5. A. 5:30. B. 5:25.   C. 5: 35.
6. A. At the doctor’s. B. On the street. C. At home
7. A. Christmas presents. B. Christmas hats. C. Christmas cards.
8. A. In the music hall. B. At home. C. In the restaurant.
9. A. Milk. B. Coffee. C. Tea.

10. What’s the skirt made of?
A. Cotton                   B. Leather                   C. Silk
11. What else did the woman buy in Huanggang?
A. Shorts                    B. Silk                      C. A new CD player
12. How long has the girl been at home?
A. For about half a year.               B. For about one year.
C. Last year.
13. Why didn’t the woman look for a job after she left school?
A. Because she wanted to have a good rest.
B. Because she was badly ill.
C. Because she had to look after her mother.
14. What happened to the woman at last?
A. The woman didn’t get a job.
B. The woman would get a job, but not suitable.
C. The woman would get a suitable job.
15. Where does the dialog happen?
   A. On the street.                  B. In the classroom.
   C. In the woman’s home.
16. Who is the woman in the dialog?
   A. Tom’s mother.          B. Tom’s teacher.          C. Tom’s friend.
17. In what subject is Tom weak?
   A. Chinese and Science             B. Chinese and English.
   C. English and Science.
18. What does Michael do for exercise?
   A. Swimming.             B. Hiking               C. Dancing
19. Where does he often go?
   A. To the park.             B. To the gym.           C. To a bus station.
20. Where will they meet?
   A. At the bus station.        B. At the gym.           C. At the gate of the cinema.
21. What time will they meet there?
   A. At 3:00                B. At 3:30               C. At 4:00
22. Tom was a ______ boy.
A. clever                 B. lazy                   C. interesting
23. Tom’s father and mother were both ______.
A. teachers               B. doctors                C. cleaners
24. Tom said he wanted to be ______ when he grew up.
A. a doctor               B. a scientist              C. a cleaner
25. Tom thought the cleaners only worked one day a week because ______.
A. one of the cleaners had told him before
B. Tom had seen the cleaners only on Thursday at his house
C. Tom’s teacher told him
第一节  单项选择(共20小题;每小题1分,满分20分)
A) 从A、B、C、D四个选项中,选出与所给句子划线部分意义相同或相近并能代替的那一项。
26. He takes exercise every day in order to build himself up.
A. set himself up                   B. made himself healthy
C. give himself up                  D. make himself stronger
27. –How far is the post office away from here?
   --It’s more or less ten minutes’ work..
A. about            B. more than        C. no more          D. in all
28. –I don’t like doing exercise. It’s so boring.
   --I don’t, either. But my mother says it’s good for my health.
A. Nor I do.         B. So do I           C. Me, neither.       D. Neither am I
29. –The snow has lasted too long. What bad weather!
   --yeah. It has influenced our life. Even, it will cause traffic accidents.
A. What’s worse      B. In a word         C. As you know       D. As a result
30. –Are you fond of playing computer games?
   --No, I think it’s bad for our health.
A. Are...good at       B. Do…well in       C. Do…like        D. Are…ready for
31. –Turn off the light when you leave, Tom?
   --Mum, I see. Our world ________ energy now.
A. needs             B. is short of          C. cares for         D. wants
32. –Please be ________with the machine. It’s dangerous.
   --Thank you for you telling me, I will do it ________.
A. careful; careful     B. carefully; careful     C. carefully; carefully    D. careful; carefully
33. –Madam, Would you mind my opening the window?
   --________. My baby has a cold.
A. Of course not.              B. OK. I’ll do it right away.     
C. Yes, please.                D. Sorry, I’m afraid you can’t
34. –What is used in cloning?
   --DNA. You have your own DNA that ________ your parents.
A. is the same as       B. is similar to     C. is the same to      D. is similar as
35. – That T-shirt with Yao Ming’s picture on it ________ belong to David. He admires him a lot.
   --No, it ________ he his. He hates black color.
A. can; can’t    B. may; needn’t    C. must; mustn’t   D. must, can’t
36. –My new bike rides very well though it doesn’t cost much.
   --Let me have a try. So________.
A. it is         B. is it            C. does it        D. it does
37. –I can’t stand the environment here.
   --Me, too. We have to________ new ways to solve the problem.
A. catch up with   B. keep up with   C. come up with   D. make up with
38. – What did you get ________ your mother ________ Mother’s Day?
   --A beautiful card with “Thank you, Mum”.
A. for; in    B. for; on   C. to; for    D. to; at
39. –How do you like TV shows Home with kids(家有儿女)?
   --I think ________ you turn it on, you’ll never be able to turn the TV off.
A. if         B. because         C. although         D. as
40. –Why do so many foreign students learn Chinese nowadays?
   --Because China is getting ________.
A. strong and strong                B. stronger and stronger
C. more strong and strong           D. strongest and strongest
41. I am greatly interested in this painting. Something in it ________ the painter’s deep love for nature.
A. expresses       B. discusses       C. expe

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