

11-01 12:03:33 | 浏览次数: 95618 次 | 栏目:英语单词
标签:英语单词,http://www.manfen6.com 小学生基础单词习题,



  1.bus buses 2.box boxes 3.glass glasses 4.class classes

  5.watch watches 6.mango mangoes 7.firefly fireflies 8.sheep sheep

  9.people people 10.man men 11.woman women 12.apple apples

  13.family families 14.library libraries 15.baby babies 16.boy boys

  17.toy toys 18.child children 19.foot feet 20.strawberry strawberries

  21.horse horse 22.policeman policemen 23.dress dresses 24. fish fish

  25.tooth teeth 26.country countries 27. foot feet 28.dragonfly dragonflies

  29.me us 30.building buildings 31. cloth clothes 32. this these

  33. that those 34.circle circles 35.story stories


  1.who's who is 2.she's she is 3.he's he is 4.what's what is

  5. where’s where is 6.we're we are 7.you're you are 8.that's that is

  9. I'm I am 10. isn't is not 11.aren't are not 12.they're they are

  13.don't do not 14.let's let us 15. can’t can not 16. it's it is

  17. I’ve I have 18. I’d I would 19. hasn’t has not

TAG: 小学生  单词  
