

09-02 14:32:47 | 浏览次数: 53918 次 | 栏目:小学四年级英语试卷
标签:小学英语试卷分析,http://www.manfen6.com 小学四年级英语上学期复习资料|英语复习要点,

1.put…on 把……放在                             2.on the table 在餐桌上 
3.sit down beside… 坐在……的旁边     4.look at  看……   
5.be late  迟到                  6.be on time  准时     
7.from now on  从现在起        8.the first class 第一节课  
9.after school  放学后          10.play the violin 拉小提琴   
11.like reading(swimming)喜欢看书(游泳)  12.ride a bike骑自行车    
13.play baseball 打棒球           14.go swimming  去游泳   
15.go down the slide  坐滑梯   16. do the exercise  做热身运动 
17. make some pancakes 做烤面饼      18.jump into  跳进……
1.milk 牛奶  2.toast 烤面包  3.egg 蛋    4.orange 橙子 5.jam 果酱
6.teacher 老师    7.student 学生    8.doctor 医生     9.bag 书包     10.math 数学  11.music 音乐  12.school 学校  13.violin 小提琴     14.library 图书馆 15.book 书    16.read 读      17.ride 骑 乘      18.bike 自行车     19.street 街道    20.leg 腿     21.hurt 使受伤    22.bat 球拍     23.glove 手套     24.baseball 棒球  25.score 比分  26.slide 滑梯      27.arm 胳膊      28.knee 膝盖      29.toe 脚趾 
30.water 水     31.pancake 薄烤饼     32.flour 面粉      33.sugar 糖     34.salt 盐   35.butter 黄油   36.spoon 勺子     37.squar正方形   38.circle 圆形  39.triangle三角形   40.robot 机器人

1.     What’s for breakfast?
2.     I don’t like oranges.
3.     Who’s that?  She’s a teacher.
4.     How do you do? 
5.     Whose bag is this?  It’s mine.
6.     Do you like ------?  I like ------.
7.     I ride my bike every day.
8.     I play the violin.
9.     I like reading books.
10.  Can you play baseball?
11.  The score is four to three.
12.  Let’s go swimming this afternoon.
13.  I want to go down the slide.
14.  We’re making some pancakes.
15.  You’re good cooks.
16.  What are you doing?
17.  I’m drawing an elephant.
18.  Draw a ------.