

10-20 15:04:21 | 浏览次数: 16918 次 | 栏目:初二英语试卷
标签:初中英语试卷,http://www.manfen6.com 仁爱版八年级英语上册单元考试卷(第一单元),


说明:班级 姓名一律写在最左侧居中的位置上。
时间:90分钟  分数:120分。

 (    )1—I broke my new pen yesterday.
A.What a shame!   B.Not at all.  
C.That’s right.   D.You’re welcome.
(    )2.Our school will play        No.4 Middle school .I think we’ll win.Please cheer us       
A.with,on  B.against,on  C.against ,up   D.on,against
(    )3.Michael Phelps is        active young man from the U.S.A
A.a          B.an       C.the          D./
(    )4.—Would you mind        the room?
       —Certainly not.I’ll do it right away.
A.clean        B.cleaned   C.cleaning   D.to clean
(    )5.It’s too late.Don’t keep him       for you so long.
A.Wait      B.waits     C.to wait      D.waiting
(    )6.—I think you wil do       next time.
        —I think so.
A.Good        B.better     C.best     D.the best
(    )7.—I’m sorry for       I said.
        —It does’t matter.
A.how       B.which       C.what      D.where
(    )8.—Do you like playing football?
        —Yes.And       young people are good at playing football.
A.many and many             B.much and much 
  C.little and little               D.more and more
(    )9.—I’m sorry I broke your pen.Let me buy you a new one.
—       .I have another one.
A.Never mind. B.You’re welcome.  C.Thanks.   D.OK.
(    )10.—Hi, I’m Xiao Li. I’m very glad to        friends       you.
        —Me, too. I’m Xiao Wang.
        A.get;like   B.make;with    C.get;with    D.make;to
(    )11.Our school will hold a sports meet next week.I’d like to take part in the girls’ _______ race.
        A.200-meter  B.200 meters  C.200-meters  D.200 meter
(    )12.—Tom       in the high jump at the school sports meet last week.
        —What a shame!
A.do badly   B.did well  C.do bad   D.did badly
(    )13.One of my_______fell ill.Would you like to join us?
        A.classmates B.classmate    C.class     D.classes
(    )14.—I’m sure our class will win the relay race in the school sports meet.
        A.I hope so.  B.I don’t think. C.I’d love to. D.That’s right.
(    )15.—Shall we meet at six o’clock?
        —We had better meet a little late.Let’s_______seven o’clock.
      A.to make it at  B.to make it   C.make it at    D.make it
(    )16.—What are you going to        when you grow up?
        —I’m going to be a singer.
A.do          B.does      C.is       D.be
(    )17.There is going to         a football game next week.
A.has         B.have        C.is       D.be
(    )18.—Bruce ,do you ski        ?
A.many     B.much      C.more       D.most
(    2)19.—Would you like to come and cheer Jim on?
A.Yes,I will.       B.Yes,I would.  
C.Sure,I’d love to   D.Yes,I do.
(    )20.—You look      .Can you tell me why you are so happy?
       —Sure.I saw an        movie just now.It have great fun.
         A.excite;exciting     B.excited;excite 
C.exciting;excited     D.excited;exciting

二 、完形填空。(10分)
   I like doing exercise very much.I think sports and games are good   1___our health. They can  2__ us strong,stop us from getting __3___ fat,and help us keep__4___and happy .What’s more ,they can help people who work with their brains (大脑) most of the day work __5__ ,becauce sports and games can _6__their body.
  Sports make our life richer and more colorful.If we__7__have a strong body , we can not do things __8___.So people of all ages enjoy __9___and taking part in __10__kinds of sports—track and field(田径),swimming ,skateboarding and ball games.
(    )1.A.at           B. in           C. to           D.for
(    )2. A.make        B.find          C.do           D.did
(    )3. A.to           B.too       C.a lot       D.lots of
(    )4. A.health    B.unhealthy   C.healthy     D.healthily
(    )5. A.good      B.better         C.worse      D.worst
(    )6. A.build up     B. build      C.built up    D.to build up
(    )7. A.are        B.aren’t        C./      D.don’t
(    )8. A.good    B.nice        C.well    D.beautiful
(    )9. A.seeing       B.watching      C.to watch      D.see
(    )10. A.different    B.the same     
C.difficult       D.difficulty
三、阅读理解。( 30分)
   Most people make their living (谋生) with their hands,but Bob makes his living with his feet.
   Bob’s story began in a small city of England.His family was poor.Seven people lived in a small house.Bob had no place to play but on the street.
   Kids in the city like playing football very much.Little Bob wanted to play football,too.So his father made a soft (柔软的) ball for him to kick.It was a sock full of old cloth.He kicked it every day.
   At last ,Bob learned how to kick a real football. And after a few years, he could play footballvery well.
(    ) 1.People usually make their living _____.
A.by learning by themselves        B.with their feet
C.with their hands                D.by playing football
(    )2.Which of the following is TRUE?
A.    Bob was born in a small village.  
 B.     Bob’s house was very big.
C.     There were eight people in the family.
  D.     Little Bob played on the street.
(    )3.Why did the father make a sofe ball for his son?
A.Because the family all liked football.  
 B.Because Bob also liked playing football.
C.Because they had lots of old cloth.   
  D.Because he didn’t want to throw the sock away.
(    )4.The word “kick” in the story means_____.
A.踢             B.玩            C.射门    D.弹起
(    )5.From the story we can know_____.
A.Bob’s age&nb

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