

10-20 15:01:50 | 浏览次数: 47618 次 | 栏目:初一英语试卷
标签:初中英语试卷,http://www.manfen6.com 仁爱版七年级英语上册第二单元检测试卷(三)附答案,

七年级新课标英语(上册 )课题实验检测卷⑥                  
Unit 2 : Looking  Different
Topic 3:  What does she look  like ?
班级            姓名                座号              分数        
一、 抄写:按英文格式把下面的句子抄写在格子上(5分)
 What does she look like ? She is short with black hair . Is this an apple or an orange ? It's an orange .                                                                                   


(     ) 1、                     she look like ?
A.What ,does  B. What , is C.How ,does
(     ) 2、He is tall          a thin face .
A. about   B.  with  C. in
(     ) 3、Is the boy tall             short ? He is tall .
A.  or  B.  and  C. but
(     ) 4、Is this         apple or         orange ? It is an orange .
A.  an ,  a   B.  a,  an   C. an , an
(     ) 5、          dress  is this ? It is              
A.   What  ,  mine  B.  Whose ,  mine  C . Whose , me                                             
(     ) 6、  My dress            very nice . I like             color, but it is too long .
A.  looks ,  it's   B.   looks ,   its   C.  looks , his
(     ) 7、You grow fast . The dress will                you .
A.  fits   B.  fit   C . tell
(     ) 8、Whose bike is this ?It is          . It is          bike .
A. his,  his  B.  he , his  C. his,  he                                                        
(     )9、Whose shoes are those ? 
They are               . They are         shoes.
A. yours ,  your  B. you,  your  C.  yours ,  you                                                      
(     ) 10、Whose apples  are these ?
They are         .  They are         apples.
A. they ,  their   B.  theirs , their  C. theirs , they    


形容词性物主代词(后+ 名词,当形容词用)





  We 我们






 You 你们

















does  our ours look like go shopping fit too or


1、            Whose books are those

They are              . They are             books .

2What does he                         ?  He is short with long legs .

3 Well then , let' s                                    tomorrow .

4 The coat  doesn't               me. It is            long .

5             he   have  a big nose             a small nose ?  .   

 五、 选择正确的答语(20分):

(      ) 1What does she look like ?                A. My name is David

(      ) 2Whose pen is this ?                  B. It is mine .

(      ) 3Does he have an apple or an orange ?    C. It is pink .   

(      ) 4What color is his coat ?                D. I think he has an apple .

(      ) 5Are these trousers yours ?              E. No,  they are not mine .

(      ) 6Where are their shoes ?                F . The USA .

(      ) 7 May  I have your telephone number ?   G. He is my teacher .

(      )8Where does Jim come from ?            H. They are under the desk.

(      ) 9Who is this man ?                   I . He is tall with a big nose.

(      ) 10May I have your name ?            J. yes, it is  0772_ 63589999

六、 完形填空(10分)

 I am  1   English girl.  2   name is kate. I’m twelve. I 3  a Chinese friend.  4   name is Han Meimei . She is twelve,  5 . Han Meimei and I  6  in the same class. We are in  7 . Han Meimei is  8  She is in Row 2. I  9  in Row 2. I’m in Row 3. We are not in the same row,  10  we are in the same team().

(    )1.A. the  B. an  C. a   D./

(    )2.A. I  B. Her  C. My  D. She

(    )3. A. am  B. know  C. have  D. has

(    )4.A. She  B. Her  C. His   D. My

(    )5.A. too  B. two  C. to   D. please

(    )6. A. is   B. am   C. are   D. /

(    )7. A. Class One, Grade One  B. Grade One ,Class One

      C. One Class, One Grade  D. class one, grade one

(    )8. A. 5 Number  B. Number 5 

C. in Number 5  D. Number five

(    )9. A. am not  B. isn’t  C. amn’t  D. aren’t

(    )10. A. and  B. but   C. or   D. too


 Billy is a student of Grade Two. He doesn’t work hard(努力) at his lessons. He likes to play.

But he thinks he is very clever(聪明).

One afternoon Billy goes home after school. He is very hungry(饿). So he says to his mother, “Mum, I’m hungry. Can I have something to eat?”

“Supper is not ready. But here are two apples. You can eat them first,” says his mother.

Billy takes the two apples in his hands. He looks at the apples and says, “Mum, I have three apples now. Look, this is the first (第一)one. This is the second (第二)one. Isn’t one and two three?”

“Oh, yes, you are very clever, Billy,” says his mother(母亲), “now please give me the first one. Give your father(父亲) the second one. And you eat the third (第三)one.”


    1Billy  is a student of           

A. Class Two  B. Grade  Two C. Class Two D. Grade Three

    2Billy is           when he gets home .

A. tall B. short  C. hungry  D. happy

    3Does  Billy like his lessons ?             

A. Yes, he is B. No ,he isn't  C. Yes , he does  D. No, he doesn't

    4In fact( 事实上 ), Billy's  mother only has             .

A.  an apple   B.  two  apples C.  three apples   D. no apples



5Billy                the two apples in his hand, he thinks he is  very               .




2、她的头发是什么颜色的? 是黑色的。




4、这是谁的单车? 是她的。




Unit2 , Topic 3  :
一]、略  二、 1. A 2.  B  3. A  4.  C  5. B  6.  B  7.  B  8.  A  9.  A  10. B 三、略 四、 1. ours , our  2. look like  3. go shopping  4. fit , too 5. Does , or五、1.I 2. B 3.D 4. C 5. E 6. H 7. J  8. F  9.  G 10. A  六、1.B 2.C 3.C  4. B 5. A 6. C 7.A 8. B 9.A 10.B 七、1.B  2. C 3. D 4. B 5. takes / has  , clever /  bright  B 八1. Does she have a cell phone ? No ,  she  doesn’t  .2. What color is her hair ? It is black .  3. What does she look like ? She looks like her mother . 4. Whose bike is this ? It is hers . 5. Does he have a big nose or a small nose ? He has a big nose .