

10-20 14:59:32 | 浏览次数: 20118 次 | 栏目:小学六年级英语试卷
标签:小学英语试卷分析,http://www.manfen6.com 平时容易混淆的重点英语句型(通用型),

一、   常使用动词不定式的短语

It’s time to do sth.\ It’s time for sth      该作某事的时候了.

can’t wait to do sth.                  迫不及待要作某事

Ask (tell0 sb. (not ) to do sth.          要求/告诉某人()作某事

Allow sb. to do sth.                  允许某人作某事

Be supposed to do sth.                应该作某事

Would like /want (sb.) to do sth.        想要作某事

Have sth/nothing to do                时要做/无关

Find it +adj. to do sth.                 发觉作某事

Prefer to do sth. rather than do sth.       宁愿作某事,而不愿作某事

It’s +adj. for sb. to do sth.              作某事对某人来说

It’s better /best to do sth.               最好做某事

It takes sb. st. to do sth.                某人做某事用了一些时间


二、   常用动名词的短语

Enjoy /like /love /be fond of doing sth.     喜欢做某事

Keep /keep on /carry on / go on dong sth.   继续做某事

Feel like doing sth.                     想要做某事

Practice  doing  sth.                   练习作某事

Give up doing sth.                      放弃作某事

Be good at/ do well in doing sth.           擅长作某事

Pay attention to doing sth.                注意作某事

What about/ how about doing sth.          ….怎么样(好吗)?

Thank you for doing sth.                 感谢某人

Mind doing sth.                         介意作某事

Be used fordoing sth./ be used to do sth.     被用来作某事

Spend …(in) doing sth.                   花时间作某时

Be busy doing/ with sth.                  忙于作某事 

Finish doing sth.                        作完某时

Reduce doing sth.                       减少作某事

Make a contribution to do sth.             做贡献

Prefer doing sth. to doing sth.              喜欢胜过

Be/get used to doing sth.                  习惯作某事

Keep / stop/ prevent sb. from doing sth.      阻止某人作某事


三、   省略动词不定式的短语


See/ hear/ feel/ notice/ look at /listen to sb. do sth.    看见/

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