
10-20 14:54:57 | 浏览次数: 27718 次 | 栏目:小学四年级英语试卷
标签:小学英语试卷分析,http://www.manfen6.com 周周练,
08-10-10 21:14:41

     班级      姓名      

     4A   周周练 (4)

一、辨音, 对的用“T”, 错的用“F 表示。

1.        waiter   her   (     )       5. dentist   behind  (    )

2.        waitress  dentist (    )       6. postman   man  (     )

3.        cook    room  (    )        7. doctor   nice   (     )

4.        shop    hot    (     )       8. policeman  postman  (      )



1.        What          (do) your father         (do) ? 

2.        He        (be) a doctor.

3.        I can          (swim),  but I           (can) dive.

4.                    ( have) their teacher a basketball ?  Yes.

5.        Don’t          (sit) on the desk.

6.        My sister and I            (has) a big dog.

7.        Danny likes to            (read) books.

8.        Ted’s brother is                        ( ambulance man).

9.        I see some               (policeman) at the street corner.

10.    That is         (we) English teacher.



1.        Here are some umbrellas  单数

Here                     umbrella.

2.        Is Sam’s mother a doctor?  肯定句

Sam’s                  a doctor.

3.        There is an old woman under the tree. 一般疑问句

             an old woman under the tree ?

4.  This nurse has a white dress. 复数

                                  white               .

5.  Lily’s sister is five years old. 划线提问

             Lily’s sister ?

6.  That tall man is a dentist. 划线提问

              that tall man           ?

7.  I am a shop assistant. what 提问

          you         ?



1.        How old is your father?                                       .

2.        What does your mother do?                                    .

3.        Can you paint?                              .

4.        Can your father dive?                         .

5.        How many people are there in your family?                         .

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