

  • 名称:英语专业考试资料:四级听写(第三电子版) 下载
  • 类型:专业英语
  • 授权方式:免费版
  • 更新时间:07-15
  • 下载要求:无需注册
  • 下载次数:20
  • 语言中文
  • 大小:117 KB
  • 推荐度:4 星级

标签:英语专业四级真题,英语专业八级考试试题, 英语专业考试资料:四级听写(第三电子版),

 3. An Embarrassing Situation
 4. Bad Habits
 5. The Day Our Car Broke Down
 6. Oil in the Earth
 7. Film Making
 8. Population
 9. Mother' s Interference
 10. Two Tenpenny Pieces
 11. The Man Who Stole a Watch
 12. Sportsmen's Earnings
 13. The Farmer and His Sons
 14. Male Nursery School Teachers
 15. Hunting for a Home
 16. Asia
 17. Bacteria
 18. Forms of Address
 19. Francis Bacon
 20. Radio and Television
 21. Bicycle Boom
 22. What Kind of English to Use as a Model?
 23. Education in the United States
 24. The Weather
第三部分 综合训练
 1. Insects
 2. A Protest against Injustice
 3. Foolish Tests
 4. Why Do People Want Work?
 5. The Great Depression
 6. Learning to Describe
 7. Angel Falls
 8. Fixing a Flat Tire
 9. Pace of Public Speech
 10. The Wolf and the Shepherd
 11. A Strange Man
 12. Why Should I Take a Part-time Job?
 13. Badminton
 14. Animated Cartoons
 15. The Nursing Staff
 16. The Supermarket
 17. Changes in Fashions
 18. The Future of the Cinema
 19. Football in England
 2O. Life
 21. Going on a Tour
 22. My First Day Abroad
 23. Senior Citizens
 24. Thanksgiving Day
 25. Chinese Food
 26. Sugar
 27. Working Wives
 28. Benefits of Urban Life
 29. Disadvantages of Living in Big Cities
 30. The Great American Game
 31. The U.S. Coast Guard
附录 英语专业四级听写基础词汇

, 大小:117 KB