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8B Unit 4分课时教学要求(Period Four)教学内容 Vocabulary教学要求单词四会: voice,hang其它:audience, curtai....八年级英语教案
分课时教学要求(Period Five)教学内容8B U4 Grammar教学要求单词[来源:]四会: speaker education三会: arrang....八年级英语教案
8BUnit 4分课时教学要求(Period six)教学内容Grammar 2教学要求单词四会: education 三会: speaker词组....八年级英语教案
分课时教学要求(Period 7 U3 8B)教学内容Integrated Skills教学要求单词四会: phone[来源:学&科&网][来源:www.]....八年级英语教案
分课时教学要求(Period 8 U3 8B)教学内容Speak up and study skills教学要求单词四会:among phone snowy ki....八年级英语教案
8B Unit 4分课时教学要求(Period Nine)教学内容Main task教学要求单词break, speech, purpose 词组掌握:a....八年级英语教案
Unit 4单元学习目标一、语言知识:语音:能够正确朗读单词表中单词的发音。词汇:能正确运用本单元词汇表中的四会单词,并能理解其他单词及其用法。语法:1. 掌握并能正确运用一般将来时....八年级英语教案
八年级(下)英语学科导学案主备人:吴春丹 课型:新授课 审核人:关学伟 时间:最新0616 Unit 10  Its a nice day,isnt it (Section B)教师寄语:Custom makes all things easy有个好习惯,事事皆不难。一、学....八年级英语教案
八年级(下)英语学科导学案主备人:李莹 课型:新授课 审核人:关学伟 时间:最新0602 Unit9  Have you ever been to an amusement park (Section B)教师寄语:Custom makes all things easy有个好习惯,事事皆....八年级英语教案
八年级(下)英语学科导学案主备人:李莹 课型:新授课 审核人:关学伟 时间:最新0530 Unit9  Have you ever been to an amusement park(Section A)教师寄语:Custom makes all things easy有个好习惯,事事皆....八年级英语教案
八年级(下)英语学科导学案主备人:李欣 课型:新授课 审核人:关学伟 时间:最新0523 Unit 8 Why don’t you get her a scarf (Section B)教师寄语:Custom makes all things easy有个好习惯,事事皆不难。一、....八年级英语教案
八年级(下)英语学科导学案主备人:李欣 课型:新授课 审核人:关学伟 时间:最新0521 Unit 8 Why don’t you get her a scarf(Section A)教师寄语:Custom makes all things easy 有个好习惯,事事皆不难。一、....八年级英语教案
八年级(下)英语学科导学案主备人:徐敬红 课型:新授课 审核人:关学伟 时间:最新0513 Unit 7  Would you mind turning down the music (Section B)教师寄语:Custom makes all things easy有个好习惯,事事....八年级英语教案
八年级(下)英语学科导学案主备人:徐敬红 课型:新授课 审核人:关学伟 时间:最新0509 Unit 7  Would you mind turning down the music(Section A)教师寄语:Custom makes all things easy有个好习惯,事事皆....八年级英语教案
八年级(下)英语学科导学案主备人:赵亚辉 课型:新授课 审核人:关学伟 时间:最新0503 Unit 6 How long have you been collecting shells(Section B)教师寄语:Custom makes all things easy有个好习惯,事事....八年级英语教案
八年级(下)英语学科导学案主备人:赵亚辉 课型:新授课 审核人:关学伟 时间:最新0430 Unit 6 How long have you been collecting shells(Section A)教师寄语:Custom makes all things easy有个好习惯,事事....八年级英语教案
让 梦 想 飞 翔——八年级上册Unit10 I’m going to be a basketball player.教学设计(桐城实验中学 赵灯花) 一、教材分析和学情分析㈠ 教材分析1、教学内容和地位“Unit10 I’m going to be a basketball player.....八年级英语教案
八年级英语新目标下Unit5提要及练习(附答案)一 本周教学内容: Junior Two Book 4 Unit 5 If you go to the party , you’ll have a great time 一 language goal 语言目标 1 Talk about consequences 谈论结果 2....八年级英语教案
Unit1 作文范文《My future life》参考开头---Different students have different predictions about the future. As for me, I think I’ll be a writer in ten years. Because I like reading books. I believe “....八年级英语教案
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